Teaching is the intersection of what I'm good at,
what I can be paid for, what I'm passionate about,
and what the world needs. ​

Credentials and Education
New York State Teaching Certificate: English to Speakers of Other Languages, March 2021, Emergency Covid Certificate, Control Number: 1478086211
Collegiate Professional License: Commonwealth of Virginia, English as a Second Language, PreK-12, July 2018, License Number: CP-0669191
Bachelor of Arts: Teaching English as a Second Language: Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, May 2018

I've taught English in Thailand, Greece, Virginia, and New York, and I've been a student of a second language in Guatemala,
Costa Rica, and Perú.
Grahamsville, New York: Tri-Valley Secondary School
6th - 12th grade
2023 - Present
Long Island, New York: William Floyd Secondary School
6th - 12th grade
2021 - 2023
Virginia: George Wythe High School
9th - 12th grade
2020 - 2021
Greece: The Language Centre of Kos
1st grade - 12th grade, and adults
2019 - 2020
Thailand: Rung Arun Suksa
Kindergarten - 3rd grade, and adults
2018 - 2019